Sunday, August 29, 2010

Smoke stained dress

She's a girl with minor depressions,
With no intentions of following the way of the world.
She's a girl who sits with cigarette flies,
And corn flake lies,
Under close marmalade skies.
She's a motor running high,
With pit stop cries,
Who hangs herself, by a thread of a knife.

She's an angel, when the devil's the sky,
She a seraphin among the fires,
She's a known right, a stone fight,
When all I can see is to hide.


  1. Interesting.. I love the phrase 'marmalade skies' in the Beatles' song too - its just a super funky metaphor! Why hide though?

  2. I think this girl was not sure what she was doing. She hid because life wasn't what she thought ot would be. She hid because her ideals got the better of her.

